Walt Medicis Dance Studio in Syracuse, New York
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Walt Medicis Dance Studio in Syracuse, New York
[Dance Terminology]     [Leading & Following]    

Ballroom Dance Terminology

AMALGAMATION: A sequence of step patterns or figures. Also COMBINATION. Back

BALL CHANGE: Two changes of weight, the first on the ball of the foot. Back

BEAT: The underlying pulse of music that continues with equal duration and force. Back

BRUSH: To brush the inside edge of the SUPPORTING FOOT with the inside edge of the FREE FOOT in one motion between changes of weight. Back

CLOSE: A movement in which one foot is brought to the other and takes the weight. Back

COMBINATION: A sequence of step patterns or figures. Also AMALGAMATION. Back

CONTRA-BODY MOVEMENT: The simultaneous action of tuning the opposite side of the body toward the direction of a moving leg. It is used in preparing to perform a step that involves rotation. Back

COUNTERPART: Description of the lady's movements when they are the same as the man's but with the opposite side of SUPPORTING FOOT; one change of weight. Back

DOWNBEAT: The down beat corresponds to the first beat in the measure as the "UP" BEAT corresponds to the last beat in the measure. Back

FREE FOOT: Foot on which there is no weight. As contrasted to the SUPPORTING FOOT. Back

HOLD: A pause in the rhythmic pattern, generally for one beat, but sometimes two. Also the carriage of the arms and body in relation to one's partner. Back

MEASURE: A division of music. A group of beats marked off by the regularly recurring accent of the music. Back

PHRASING: The fitting of figures to the rhythm and or melody of the music. Back

PIVOT: A turn made in either direction on the ball of the foot. Back

QUICK: A comparative term used in timing steps. A SLOW step occupies twice the time of the quick step. In 4/4 time, a quick step takes one beat of music. Back

RHYTHM: The regular recurrence of accented beats which gives a specific character to the music or the dance. Back

SLOW: A comparative term used in timing steps. A slow step occupies twice the time of the QUICK step. In 4/4 time, a slow step takes 2 beats of music. Back

STEP: A change of weight, with foot moved in any direction. Also, a term used to indicate a combination of movements.

STEP IN PLACE: A change of weight in which the foot remains on its original place. Back

SUPPORTING FOOT: Foot on which there is weight. As contrasted to the FREE FOOT. Back

SWIVEL: A twisting motion on the ball of one or both feet. Back

SYNCOPATION: A variation or embellishment of the regular occurrence of accented beats within the framework of the basic rhythm pattern. Back

TAP: A movement in which one foot is brought up to the other and is touching the floor without a transfer of weight. Back

TEMPO: Speed of the music is measured by the number of beats per minute (BPM). Back

TIME: The number and kind of beats in a measure. It is designated by the musical signature. The time signature is 3/4 in Waltz, meaning that there are three quarter notes in each measure. Foxtrot, Swing and Cha Cha are in 4/4 time. Back

TIMING: Adherence of the movement to the beat of the music. Back

"UP" BEAT: The "up" beat corresponds to the last beat in the measure. It is a weaker beat than the DOWNBEAT, which is the first beat of the measure. Back